2023 VFX Reel

Play A few samples of our work cut together in a few minutes long “potpuri” edit. 

Partisan – Viaplay / Warner Bros

This was a Warner Brothers  production and it premiered on Viaplay in august 2020. A thriller series directed by talented rockstar Amir Chamdin who wrote the script together with Fares Fares known from the Emmy and Bafta awarded Chernobyl. Syndicate had the honor to do all the VFX work for this production that was mastered […]

2023 Creature Reel

Play We love this kind of stuff: hamsters, lizards, deers, mammoths, dogs, cows, birds, snakes, robots and cats. Even dust balls can be nice if they are given the right kind of personality.

Hassel – Nice Drama / Viaplay

Play Trailer During 2017 Syndicate had the honor to cater for the online, grading and VFX work for “Hassel” a 10 episode 45 minute Police drama serie.Its the first of its kind in Sweden to be mastered in full UHD 10bit from native R3D raw 7k source files.   Directors:Amir ChamdinErik EgerEshref Reybrouck DoP’s:Crille ForsbergCalle PerssonJohan PhillipsChristophe Nuyens […]