RYDS Bilglas – Pee Break

RYDS Bilglas – Pee Break

This is another true Syndicate production. Huge thanks to Daniel Olsén and Lasse Edholm, The creative duo at Shiny Happy People letting us work on such loose leash.
The film is a flirt and tribute to the famous Swedish director Roy Andersson and the commercials he made for Trygg Hansa some 30 years ago. We produced this RYDS campaign during March / April 2020 when the rest of the world was in Covid / Corona lock down. As you probably already know we did not get any such regulations here in Sweden. So our little skeleton crew could happily be out and produce this little Roy homage as long as we cough in the armpit and wash our hands.

Team list

Agency: Shiny Happy People / Daniel Olsén & Lasse Edholm

Production: Syndicate 
Actor: Marcus Sturewall
CGI / VFX: Mattias Malmer, Robert Westman
Dir: Anetka Benckert
DIT / B-Cam / Editor: Marcus Remberger
Hair / Make: Caroline Ljusterdal
Creative lead / DoP / Online / Grade: Björn Benckert
Soundmix: Repipe Sound Design / Robert Eklund

26 May 2020 : Press Stop

This film was published on a freshly started TIKTOK account that had zero previous friends, followers, likes or comments. Then without any kind of boosting or traffic directing the film went viral. No joke, it spread like wildfire, gathered more than a million views, over 50k likes, 3000 account followers and a insane amount of positive comments. Such ratio for likes per view and the amount of positive response is more than rare for a commercial, even more so on the given platform and considering this is not Kim Kardashian showing her latest stuff, but car windshield replacement advert.. Still the film got such remarkable attention among the young tiktok audience. For us this is the true testament, advertising awards and marketing test, please hold our beer, for future reference TIKTOK is the lackmus for good advertising, throw it at the TIKTOK wall and if it sticks then it´s good, if not, then you likely did not syndicate enough. 😉

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Ryds - Pee Break 30s

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Ryds - Pee Break 15s

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Ryds - Animatic

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Ryds - Pee break 5s

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Ryds - Pee break Before & After VFX