Clio Awards – Silver Winner Vfx 2022
Clio Awards – Silver Winner Vfx 2022
Huge thanks goes to Smuggler LA and their very talented Director Dr MC Engstrom and Post producer Francesca Lentini for putting their trust in us. With out you guys none of this would have happened.
Clio Awards is one of, if not the biggest annual award program that recognises creative excellence in advertising. Clio is also one of few of these awards that has a Visual Effects category where the competition is really cut throat. The grand VFX houses: MPC, The Mill, Method Studios and others all have big departments working solely on bringing home these kind of awards to their conglomerate kind of companies, often owned by huge studios like Sony, Technicolor and such.
Well, the 2022 Clio VFX awards all played out a bit different as this year it so happened that little Syndicate Entertainment from Stockholm swooped in from the side and snagged theVFX Silver right in front of all of those +1000 employees type of companies. As we see it, it means our thesis is proven: A small crew in a tiny garage on the street corner located closer to the North Pole than anything else can actually be up there and fight with the best: Only sky is the limit.
Anyway, as this was great fun we will aim for nothing but gold next year.
Team list
Client: Servpro
Campaign: “There is a pro for that / Like it never even happened, happened.”
Agency: Buntin Group.
Production Company: Smuggler LA
Director: Filip Engström
Smuggler Executive producer: Sue Yeon Ahn
Smuggler Line Producer: Cat Restrepo
Smuggler Post Producer: Francesca Lentini
Director of photography: Bryan Newman
Production Designer: Jason Dawes
SFX Coordinator: Dave Peterson
Offline Editor: Filip Engström
Post Production & VFX: Syndicate Entertainment
Syndicate Creative lead / Flame: Björn Benckert
Syndicate offline ass editor / Flame: Marcus Remberger
Syndicate 3D lead: Mattias Malmer
Syndicate 3D: Robert Westman
Syndicate 3D: Tobias Dahlen
Syndicate 3D: Jakob Dalström
Colorist: Björn Frithiof
Sound design: Redpipe

Servpro - Like it never even happen happen 60s

ServPro - Storm 30s