Eton – Shirts

Eton – Shirts

During the last couple of yeas Syndicate has collaborated with Johan Collskog, Joachim Thörnquist and ETON and made a vast amount of shirt commecials.  Every season came with a new batch of films. New location, new male models, new challenges. but most of all new Eton shirts and a lot of them.

All the films is shot using the Syndicate Red Monstro 8k camera kit with FD lenses and all films are cut graded and finalized by Syndicate house meistro fashion edit viritiou Marcus Marge Remberger himself.   

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Eton - Marakech

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Eton - Marakech

Eton Stills from motion from Syndicate 8k Monstro.

We are quite certain that in a not so distant future. Motion ad still photograpy will be one. Click on the images to enlarge.