Gröna Lund – JetPass

The ladybug train is not fast enough.
RYDS Bilglas – Pee Break

Play This is another true Syndicate production. Huge thanks to Daniel Olsén and Lasse Edholm, The creative duo at Shiny Happy People letting us work on such loose leash. The film is a flirt and tribute to the famous Swedish director Roy Andersson and the commercials he made for Trygg Hansa some 30 years ago. […]
Gröna Lund – SNAKE

Play During the last couple of years Syndicate have produced a series of advertising campaigns for Parks & Resorts. First assignment was this campaign for “Snake” a ride that was brought in as a “fillout atraction” during a park reconstruction at Gröna Lund during the summer of 2019. a film inspired by Steven Spielbergs early […]