Top plate Komodo Raveneye Vaxis 600KV

Top plate Komodo Raveneye Vaxis 600KV

It mounts your DJI 12mm focus rod, DJI 3D focus, DJI RavenEye, and last but not least holds your micro HDMI cable firm into your Vaxis 600KV.

This is a 3D print design by Syndicate. If purchased you are free to print as many as you like for your own personal or company use. But if you would like to use the design for mass manufacturing or such then please contact the Syndicate team for licensing.

The download file is a “.stl” file. Works well to 3D print in PLA or carbon infused PLA for extra strength.


Happy printing!

Designed in a strive to minimise weight and optimise the physics of a RED Komodo mounted on a DJI RS2 gimbal.

